Friday, July 18, 2008

Welcome to Where's the WMDs?

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Some of you may have heard of the this recent "epidemic" of the honeybees disappearing.
I first heard the story about 18 months ago. Bees were disappearing and no one knew why.
Does it mean we may run out of honey? Well it meant something much more problematic. If the bees disappear then we may lose up to 1/3 of our food supply. Well I wasn't too concerned at first since the USA is bloated anyway and I don't eat much, but after a while I began to worry I may lose my favorite foods. Among these are honey and almonds.

I don't' want the bees to disappear. I have been stung once or twice, but I don't blame the bees for it. In all likelihood I did something to provoke them when it happened. After all they are wild creatures, they have quicker and better instincts than the sluggish and stupid modern equivalents of wit or sports skill, two opposing lines running into each other on the field. They have smarter animal intelligence, so when it comes to right of way I think nature wins and its going to keep winning over dumb-downed culturfied humans. So, I don't spaz out when one flies by and I just don't fear them at all. They aren't intereted in hurting me. I can;t count the number of times I see people point and swat when they see a bee fly by. I think they got that killer bees story on the brain. The media loves to scare us away from nautre cuz guess why? All the products their sponsors make are artificial, or by products of nature, but not usually natural. How many Natural Herbal shampoos have you seen with a few herbs in them and then all the same garbage thats in the original shampoo. Whats the point of that? I don't want it - all that petro by-product junk absorbing into my bloodstream. Thanks but I got other plans.
You can't put a patent on a naturally occurring plant only drugs and chemicals and processing techniques. They make honey whats to fear? They are busy. Like every other creature if you leave them be they won't bother you. How hard is it to understand that? I like them I say hello when I see them.

Now when this story broke I was thinking well I guess all those end times prophecies are true and I better get some honey while the getting is good - have a honey feast with butter, bread, cream, berries, etc. Something right out of J.R.R. Tolkien's the Hobbit, a real all natural spread to remember and talk about for years to come. Something to tell my grandchildren, or someone else's when they hear my wife say the word honey and ask"What is honey?" No Problem I'm thinking, If the bees and honey disappear at least the memory will be well preserved. I got that problem all taken care of and when the kids ask, I'll be ready to tell them how it was. Cool. This is history in the making. We'll make due. Time to go till the soil.... ? um ok so anyway...
I had heard about this up through October of last year and told my friends about it. They didn't seem too concerned and I had my plan so I just accepted the facts - the bees were going.


Go forward in time one year till about now. I have just heard Steward Swerdlow on RedIceCreations radio( describing how the bees have disappeared before and this is not new. In fact it seems to be part of their cycle every ten to twenty years or so. Something to do with cleaning up the gene pool I think. Yet there was a fair bit-o-hype about it. Stephan Fobes blog - A War of Illusions here for a description of the disappearing bee hype:

The explanations went from red mites to cell towers. Turns out though ,that just like global warming, we did not cause this and it is not a cause for concern. Its part of the natural cycle.
If that weren't enough the bees that are actually disappearing are the genetically modified bees! Poor Monsanto. I'm just so broken up over the apparent malfunction of their franken-bees. Anyone see the X-Files movie. :) The world is so much less appealing without Monsanto's wonderful franken-bees producing their franken-honey (wonder if it tastes different?) whose genes have a five year half-life.

Apparently Einstein considered this dilemma when he said if the bees go then humans will soon go as well. Einstein's good name (he has a good name right?), is being used to explain this totally farcical notion that we face extinction because the bees are going and its high food prices that are going to kill us. I think Einstein would be turning in his grave if he heard this drivel. Wait, let me go turn him in his grave right now in case he is not paying attention... Ok I'm back ummm... I have a better idea - if anyone knows how to contact Einstein maybe you can just pass on the message that he is being slandered by food industry propaganda. Thanks very much. I am sure he would appreciate the heads up.

My question is and pay attention here because this is important, who stands to benefit from this story? I always ask this question to test for truth. Love may make the world go round if you are in-love, enlightened, or living in the future of this planet but not now. What makes the world go round when it comes to the large trends, especially the information business, is money. You can bet if news or events benefit a big industry, the chances are they were ready for it or they created it! The paper trade destroyed the hemp industry in the early 1900's by promoting news stories of "refer madness!!!" No mention that the pot that is smoked is the female plant, marijuana, and the male plant, hemp, is the paper-and-a-million-other-things crop, at a very cheap price! Also I have never heard of anyone going crazy from smoking weed. In case you are wondering I love Bob Marley, freedom and all that but I don't smoke. I an I.

When it comes to food - how bout those salmonella, e-boli, etc, scares? Well, unless someone is dropping bio-terror bugs in the water I'm not going to worry. We needn't be concerned unless our immune system is shot from eating crappy food and being too stressed out. Riddle me this... How come when these tomato or e-coli outbreaks occur that its like a few hundred people tops who have to go to emergency care because of reactions? Well? Anyone figure this out yet? I'll just wait.

Why don't we all get the latest news scare bio-problem? Simple. Most people, like most everyone is strong enough to withstand the presence of viruses, bacteria etc. We have been surviving these kind of events for thousands of years - why stop now? Anyone? The key as they say now in the wellness and intelligent health care community (you know - the people who are actaully focused on making you abundantly healthy) is your immune function. How do you get a good immune response...? By planning ahead. You stay healthy, eat right, sleep enough, etc. A Naturopath or an Ayurveic Physician could give a good explanation. But remember wellness people will always say "we dont diagnose blah blah blah..." Well they can't diagnose and some are more cautious than others, but you have to go with your instinct. They can't give a diagnosis but if they improve your health well there you go. Natural food, exercise (walk), sunlight, good company, satisfying work, relaxing rituals, etc. A health consultant's number one job is teaching you how to embody radiant health. Don't wait for someone to tell you that yes you will be ok if you don't surrender all your power to an emergency care doctor (which is essentially all they do). Modern medicine is great for emergency care and they can alter your chemistry suddenly with drugs and save your life if you need a surgery. Those are not health care solutions though. Those are life-saving measures. So many people actually seem to think that emergency medicine qualifies as a health care plan. Just like home owners insurance qualfies as a quality of life plan right? Get your power back - start thinking pro-active.

So obviously the food industry stands to benefit. Well we have higher food prices now don't we?
Is everyone convinced that its the bees disappearing that is causing their higher food prices? Maybe you are hip to the more mainstream explanation that the ethanol trade, a news item which not too long ago hit the mainstream by the way, is causing the price of corn to go up and people are starving as a result! I forget the explanation here but I came to the conclusion that this is just total bull. Corn isn't even that expensive and ethanol production is starving people! Yeah right! Now who benefits from this one... think hard now... if you guessed the oil industry ##&&***!!@@%% you guessed correct! Has anyone else heard that our diminishing oil reserves on planet earth is yet another bogus advertisement for higher oil and gas prices? Well let's think about it. How many times has the character, not the product (for those of you who don't know the difference ask your grade school teacher), of the oil industry impressed you? Remember the oil spills? There were many more than the famous Exxon Valdez spill. Did Exxon's response to that event impress upon you that Exxon is simply here to serve others and be responsible? Wasn't like everyone hiking down to the Alaska coast in their spare time to clean up what Exxon failed to? And so much wild life had to be cleaned - what a task! And did someone bring like an industrial vacuum to the site to get rid of the oil? I can't imagine how they did it, but I know that Exxon didn't.

So Where's the WMDs? The proof of our fate based on disappearing franken-bees? The evidence that melting polar ice caps, that melt in the same place every year, are threatening human existence? Yawn. The shit these folks shovel. Well you know what cows pies (dried dung) were used for on the open prairie of the pioneering old west dontcha? Campfire fuel.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.